Sunday evening, President Barrack Obama interrupted NFL Football,News, for a 13 minute Propaganda schpeel in defense of Muslims. In each speech given by Obama, he peppers his message by offering some new ground....he twists and turns to admit that which he does not believe and whirls around the truths of intelligence briefings which he rarely attends.
After reviewing Liberal -Democrat -GOP -Conservative writings over the last 7 years it is clear that Obama has little understanding or love for America as an entity. Mass shootings have climbed to over 700% during the Obama administration. Cop/Black shootings - Riots reports show a 183% increase.
Millions of people existing on hand outs from their local,state,Federal governments while tax paying citizens are denied their equal feast at the trough of Government.
Obama: Insane or Treason? Either Way, It's Time for We the People to Lock and Load...
by Michael Connelly, United States Constitutional Attorney
As I write this article it has been a little more than 72 hours since Islamic terrorists launched a horrific and bloody attack in San Bernardino, CA that left 14 innocent Americans dead and 21 more wounded. The two perpetrators of the attack were fortunately killed by police before they could carry out additional attacks. Although anyone with any common sense could see within a few hours that this was a jihadist operation, political correctness prevented the FBI from confirming for over 48 hours that it was in fact treating this as an act of terrorism.Up to this point Barack Hussein Obama has still not decided if this was terrorism or workplace violence, and at his Friday morning press briefing, Josh Earnest, the highly paid Obamabot who has apparently not had an original thought in years, referred to the jihadist attack only as extreme violence. On the other hand, Obama’s Attorney General Loretta Lynch seemed almost giddy over the attack.

U.S. 1941 Hawaii Japanese Attack Pearl Harbor December 7th, 1941 : Japan launches a surprise dawn attack using midget submarines, 350 bombers and torpedo carrying planes targeting warships, aircraft and military installations on the American naval base at Pearl Harbor in Hawaii and has declared war on Britain and the United States. The attack destroyed two battleships, one minelayer, two destroyers with the loss of more than 2,300 US servicemen The US president, Franklin D Roosevelt, has mobilized all forces and is poised to declare war on Japan. The next day when the president addressed Congress and the nation he swore that America would never forget December 7, 1941, as a "date that would live in infamy."
Following the (primarily U.S.) money funding Canada’s anti-oil movement
It is no coincidence that U.S. foundations are funding a multimillion-dollar campaign against Canadian energy.
Albertan oil has the potential to contribute more than $2 trillion to the national economy over the next 25 years, about $84 billion per year, according to the Canadian Energy Research Institute. Realizing this unparalleled opportunity requires broad-based, public support for pipeline and infrastructure projects that are essential for getting landlocked crude to global markets. For Canada, there is no single economic issue that is more important.
Whether intentional or not, environmental activism is becoming a new form of protectionism.
The greatest obstacle to energy infrastructure projects isn’t technical expertise or financial capital; it’s gridlock due to opposition from strong alliances between environmental organizations and First Nations and their ability to attract media attention and stop or stall development. This gridlock has been fomented by the Tar Sands Campaign, a heavily-funded international initiative launched by the Rockefeller Brothers Fund and the Tides Foundation in 2008.The explicit goals of the Tar Sands Campaign are to stop expansion of the Canadian oil industry, to reduce demand for oil sands crude in the U.S. and to stop or stall pipeline and port construction.
Related :America has built the equivalent of 10 Keystone pipelines since 2010 — and nobody said anything
Notley posts open letter on Facebook to address farmers’ Bill 6 worries
EDMONTON – Premier Rachel Notley has posted an open letter on social media that tries to address concerns that have been expressed over the government’s proposed farm safety legislation.
Notley says Bill 6 was introduced to help prevent deaths and injuries on farms and to give workers the same rights as other employees in the province.
She says the legislation would not interfere with a family’s ability to teach its children about farming, to have them do chores or to accept help from neighbours.
READ MORE: Alberta farmers sound off as controversial Bill 6 is debated in legislature
Notley says the law would not require parents to register children for workers’ compensation or regulate how farmers operated their households.
The premier says it was a mistake not to include that information in the bill and her government will soon introduce an amendment to change that.
Notley says she takes responsibility for the miscommunication.
“It was a mistake that our intentions and these limitations were not included in the text of the bill,” Notley wrote in the Facebook message posted Friday.
Syria slams US-led coalition deadly strike against troops as 'act of aggression'
Damascus has labelled as an “act of aggression” the US-led coalition’s missile strike which killed three Syrian soldiers at an army base in the Deir ez Zor province.
On top of the fatalities, 13 personnel were injured and a number of military vehicles were destroyed when warplanes fired nine missiles at the Saeqa military camp.
The incident is the first of its kind since the coalition started to bomb Syrian territory more than a year ago, though the US-led alliance continues to deny it carried out the airstrike.READ MORE: ‘Everyone knows what’s going on’: Istanbul residents on Turkey-ISIS oil trade
“Syria strongly condemns the act of aggression by the US-led coalition that contradicts the UN Charter on goals and principles. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has sent letters to the UN Secretary General and the UN Security Council,” Syria's SANA news agency quoted the country's foreign ministry as saying.
Russia Preparing for Nuclear War – Announces Deployment of ‘Doomsday Plane’
This could be the end for all of us…
Russia announced today that it would deploy the latest version of its high-tech doomsday plane, the Ilyushin-80, which is designated for use during nuclear war or national emergencies.
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