Greetings & Salutations my fellow Politicanauts!
62 days
In 62 days..... The United States electorate shall decide what is good for American tax payers and Citizens..and for the western world existentially.
Hourly polls from all levels of Liberal & Conservative bias are puked out by Main Stream Media in order to activate voter response and maintain the Liberal propaganda feeding frenzy in hopes to confuse and cloud the issues that Clinton is desperately attempting to shake off;
- Bill Clinton's Affairs & peccadillo's
- Bill Clinton's impeachment
- Hillary Clinton testimony lies - Benghazi -Email gate -Clinton Foundation
- Breach of Secrecy Act - Private hard drive
- Breach of Security Policies relating to Classified Email
- - sent classified on unclassified email
- - set up private server which was possibly hacked.
- - shared secrecy access with assistants
- Failed to file or save ALL work related Email
- Destruction of evidence while under Federal subpoena
- Clinton Foundation corruption - Pay to Play accusations.
- Clinton health - inability to lead.
- Benghazi cover up
- Iran deal - Financial aid to Iran & ISIS - creation of ISIS
- Libya collapse
- Syrian immigration
Clinton has spent over $88 Million in negative TV messaging.The Clinton Pac's in conjunction with Main Stream Media are apoplectic in the lack of Poll response. Trump continues his steady climb to November 8th 2016.
Looking through the smokescreen
Hillary Clinton’s foreign policy record deserves scrutiny
Former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, her allies, and others have declared Donald Trump unfit for the presidency because of his lack of national security credentials. American voters should carefully look through that smokescreen to see the global damage resulting from President Barack Obama and Secretary Clinton’s “smart” foreign policies, and how she behaved in office before casting their presidential ballots.
Trump rips media for not covering Clinton coughing attack
Donald Trump is criticizing the media for not covering Hillary Clinton's coughing fit."Mainstream media never covered Hillary's massive 'hacking' or coughing attack, yet it is #1 trending," the GOP presidential nominee tweeted Tuesday."What's up?"
CNN And Hillary Clinton In Full PANIC MODE After This Gets Released To Public…
A new Clinton News Network (CNN) poll was just released and it shows Trump taking the lead over Clinton!The CNN/ORC poll shows Trump leading Clinton 45-43 percent in a four-way race, with Libertarian Gary Johnson at 7 percent and Green Party’s Jill Stein at 2 percent.
China’s rebuke of President Barack Obama was anything but subtle.The Guardian reported that when Obama arrived in Hangzhou, China, on Saturday, a day before the start of the G-20 Summit, Chinese authorities refused to roll out a red carpet staircase for him, thus forcing him to disembark Air Force One from a rarely used exit in its rear end.
Hillary’s Top Aides Lied To The FBI and May Be In Serious Trouble
Several Hillary Clinton State Department aides told the FBI that they were unaware of the former secretary of state’s private email server, a report from the bureau’s investigation shows. But a Daily Caller review of public documents reveals that at least two of the aides, Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills, were involved in multiple email exchanges in which Clinton’s server was discussed.
Obama Gives Putin Death Stare… Watch What Happens Immediately After
Leaders from all over the world met at the G20 Summit this weekend, but all eyes were on Barack Obama and Vladimir Putin. The two met for separate, private, meetings in China to discuss the Syrian civil war, as each leader backs different sides of the war. Millions of people have been forced to leave Syria, and hundreds of thousands are dead.The big question was, did Putin and Obama come to any kind of agreement? The short answer is no. They left the summit without any sort of resolution, although they have agreed to continue negotiations. Obama described the meeting as “blunt” and “business-like.”
Clinton’s campaign manager kept blacklist of potential hires
Hillary Clinton’s current campaign manager kept a list of people who were not to receive State Department jobs being doled out — just as the new secretary of state entered the Obama administration — The Post has exclusively learned.Surprise! FBI Just Made a Massive Move Against Hillary Clinton – BREAKING NEWS
In recent weeks, the State Department and the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) have been pushing against each other over FOIA requests for details of Hillary Clinton’s criminal investigation.
While the FBI, for political reasons, ultimately decided not to prosecute, they did have an extensive investigation into the corruption at the Clinton Foundation and Secretary of State’s office, where Hillary Clinton sold access to foreign donors.
The State Department wants records to be delayed until after the election. But now, the FBI will officially release their full report to the Justice Department, including investigative materials and additional notes no one has seen before.
This is bad news for Hillary!
The FBI Has Found Enough Evidence To Disqualify Hillary From Office
Well, well, well. Apparently the FBI has enough evidence to prove that Hillary Clinton DID in fact break the law concerning her use of a private email server. According to the latest reports, Clinton broke federal records-keeping laws.If so, it’s time to “lock her up!”
Retired Lt. General Michael Flynn had a frightening revelation for listeners of the Breitbart News Daily radio program. He explained that nations like Iran are “cutting deals” with drug cartels along the Mexican border, so that state sponsored terror groups like Hezbollah can travel easily into the United States.
WikiLeaks CONFIRMS Hillary Sold Weapons to ISIS… Then Drops Another BOMBSHELL!
Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks, is a controversial character. But there’s no denying the emails he has picked up from inside the Democrat Party are real, and he’s willing to expose Hillary Clinton.Clinton has repeatedly denied these claims, including during multiple statements while under oath in front of the United States Senate.
WikiLeaks is about to prove Hillary Clinton deserves to be arrested:
Clinton State Department approved U.S. weapons shipment to Libya despite ban
The State Department initially approved a weapons shipment from a California company to Libyans seeking to oust Moammar Gadhafi in 2011 even though a United Nations arms ban was in place, according to memos recovered from the burned-out compound in Benghazi.
At least one of those shipments, kept in a file marked “arms deal,” was supposed to come from Dolarian Capital Inc. of Fresno, California, according to an end use certificate from the State Department’s office of defense trade controls licensing that was contained in the file.
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