The Final Blow
The morning of November 9th 2016 was a sobering moment for many who saw the Trump Candidacy as an irritant while preparing Hillary Rodham Clinton for her ascension to the holy grail of Power.
A year ago, few saw the Trump campaign as a serious threat, and yet November 9th proved them all wrong and the President Elect Trump rolled up his sleeves and began the arduous task of filling a qualified Cabinet and 4000 Federal appointments.
The sobering reality that the Republicans shall be in control of all 3 branches of Government. Something that Obama and his handlers ( in conjunction with the Clinton machine and nefarious enemies around the world cannot accept.
I have always resisted the notion of the New World Order, however it has become crystal clear that a larger shadow government does in fact control profit and loss(Pl) using peace and war - Religion and Politics -feast or famine as tactics for citizen control to maximize their demonic outcome.

His professional Protestors swoop in...whip up the crowd and fade away when the protest steam is pressured enough.....and Kennedy playing with Pipeline resistance through the Tide foundation.
Agent Provocateurs continue to perpetuate false stories and Liberal narratives in blind obedience to the Clinton & Obama Machine which continues to spew out their dis-information and threats. Clinton and Obama are now relegated to the bottom feeder level of the murky Political pool.
Obama and his handlers in conjunction with New World Order financiers through the Clinton Foundation, have put into motion a systematic financial and social collapse for the United States and western world as a Doomsday trigger planted during the Obama administration.
Financial,Political,Social , ethical, landmines have been salted throughout the Obama administrations tenor. Landmines set to be triggered in the event " the enemy" press forward.
Financial,Political,Social , ethical, landmines have been salted throughout the Obama administrations tenor. Landmines set to be triggered in the event " the enemy" press forward.
Clintons job (when elected) was to switch off the Doomsday trigger and siphon funds to the cause while systematically removing the will of the people. To provide Veto block on any Bills which could not be stopped by other methods. The Clinton machine was to be the New World Corruption Bank - Where every action had a price and citizens had no voice.
Fortunately for the hard working, tax paying,law abiding citizen,The Electoral college based upon the successful voting pattern of Donald J Trump determines that Donald J Trump is the legitimate President Elect and the New World order are being derailed.....

I am not an economist, and certainly not as wealthy as I wish to be. I am however a student of Politics and world financial manipulations and shifting powers. All levels of sourcing has led me to believe that even though Clinton and the DNC/New World Order failed to elevate Clinton to the White House they do have a fall back position of collapsing the economic backbone of the American industrial and financial machine.
Watch the stock markets after Trumps inauguration...you will clearly see the NWO manipulation in world events. Please support President Elect Trump and maintain positive wishes for his administration. I am confident that with Trump at the helm, he will steer a course through the artificially turbulent waters of World Politics and find calm seas and sunshine.....President Elect Donald J Trump has the business experience and the vision to recharge the great American way and return respect and prosperity to our vocabulary.
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