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- PLEASE FORWARD TO 3 FRIENDS-Welcome to the TerraChat Network -SPIII GAZETTE - SPIII RADIO- Welcome to .... -S-P-I-I-I- .......Social Political Internet Interaction Interface...2018-19 is the period of TRUTH- WE need your input, Sign up for regular SPIII Gazette 2018 reports... - - -SUBMIT YOUR OPINION --Providing world wide political & social news links and discussion issues.192 visiting countries to date!-- -VOCR RADIO ..SPIII RADIO ARCHIVED RADIO SHOWS AVAILABLE- GOT AN OPINION?-SUBMIT OPINION FOR POSTING - - - NEWS SPECIALS- - - -SPIII Gazette-- - POLITICS101- - --SPIII--Watch for....HOMELAND SECURITY BULLETINS....- - OPINIONS and EDITORIALS--Watch for LIVE CALL IN RADIO-links--Participate in bulletins from - - BOOTS ON THE GROUND- -keep up with the latest in the--SPIII GAZETTE--....Editorials from --GURU_SAYS-William TellsGet the latest from- - POLITICS ALERTS- WE ARE NOT AFFILIATED WITH ANY POLITICAL GROUP OR ASSOCIATION /ORGANIZATION. . . .-The VOCR and SPIII are the purveyors of information...You the reader/listener shall be the judge of information provided.....Remember the Internet rule -CAVEAT EMPTOR!==============================SPIII RADIO IS CONDUCTING LIVE UNSCHEDULED SHOW TESTS....CHECK SITE FOR LIVE LINK----LETS CHAT!



    On Monday February 8th 2016 at 6pm Pacific -7pm Mountain - 10pm Central -11pm East Coast

Greetings & Salutations my fellow Politicanauts!

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As SPII RADIO goes to air Monday February 8th 2016, the news and information team are already gearing up for the New Hampshire primaries.

Is it possible for Bernie to topple Clinton?
Could Cruz beat Trump?
Has Rubio moved closer to the doors of the White House?
Will Clintons scandals topple her?
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The Oregon stand off, Militia news.. 
North Korea
 Middle East conflict
On the Canadian stage:
Is Trudeau back peddling on legalizing Marijuana?
Has the Alberta Provincial NDP party failed?
Will Energy East Pipeline go ahead?

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In Europe:
The economic impact of refugees
Violent weather patterns affecting Europe
the EU & United Nations roles & Responsibilities in the Middle East Conflict.

We shall be opening the phone lines for the full 1 hour, and invite all to call in and discuss the issues.

(267) 521-0136  Secret link :

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We look forward to the Interaction.