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Guru_says 032016


Greetings & Salutations!

I have received a number of Emails wondering if I had dropped off the planet. Truth is ....the mortal

world required my attention in order to keep the wolves from the door. I have however, been watching the recent U.S. Presidential Candidate pony show with great interest.

It appears that TRUMP is about to claim victory, the numbers for Cruz and Kasich do not add up in any formula for success. It is equally true that the old guard of the GOP are prepared to do ANYTHING to prevent Trump from becoming a Presidential Candidate representing the Republican Party. The DNC are equally mortified that Clinton will have to deal with Trump, who as you all know is a vicious opponent who rips candidates hearts out with ease.

The recent violence and Protests at Trump rallies has nothing to do with Trumps sound bytes about Muslims,Mexicans etc. It is evident that Soros and the boys in cahoots with the old GOP and DNC are spending hard to prevent Trump from gaining the prestigious appointment as an opponent to Clinton.

I was asked recently if I thought they would be desperate enough to JFK Trump.....I immediately dismissed it because the culprits would be obvious, then I thought about Clinton's Benghazi and EMail Gate, then I reflected on White Water, Vince Foster and of course Monica.....

Politics is a dirty game, and my hat goes off to the Secret Service who are tasked with keeping Donald Trump safe....

QUESTION: If These Anti-Trump Thugs Trashed YOUR Vehicle… What Would You Do?

Anti-Trump Protester Says Getting Punched Is 'No Problem' 

George Soros vs Donald Trump

Soros Warns of ‘Riots,’ ‘Brutal’ Clampdowns & Possible Total Economic Collapse

Megyn Kelly BAITS Trump Voters To RIOT At GOP Convention, Trump Voters BLAST Her On Twitter

Anonymous goes after Donald Trump

Voter Fraud in Ohio Tied to Hillary Clinton and George Soros

If you wish to respond,refute or promote your own thoughts, please feel free to contact

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