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WBPC - 07'10'16 - The collapse of common decency

The following information is combed from open source material. Any opinions given in reference to articles remains the opinion of the writer and not necessarily Spiii or its affiliates.If you wish to respond to any item within this post please do so using the comment section OR
Greetings my fellow Politicanauts!

I come to you this week with a very heavy heart.

Over the last few weeks I have watched the rule of law be broken with impunity as the FBI failed to stand up against the establishment and permit the Clinton crime family to maintain their global vacuum of bribes and kickbacks under the guise of a foundation. FBI Insider Leaks All: Clinton Foundation Exposed! Involves Entire US Government!
Does Anyone Believe That Hillary Is REALLY ‘Ditzy’ Enough to Mishandle Classified Information?

Then to watch and listen to the presumptive Candidate Clinton pander and whore herself for votes : Hillary’s Reaction To Dallas Cop Killings: White People Need To Shut Up And Listen To Black People

Even the man who thinks Hillary is the most experienced to become President clearly though differently when she was competing with him. Obama 2008: Hillary Clinton ‘Will Say Anything To Get Elected’

Yet the DNC and Clinton machine continues to chew up the Political landscape and tear off the scabs of old racial wounds in hopes of finding a vein to tap which will whisk them to the promised land and the Presidency. Like pigs at the trough they will gladly chew off your arm for their greed. Corruption is the rule of the land in ANY Government body. The establishment is best described a thief-dom.           
Corrine Brown Goes Down 

Diamond Reynolds ( Philandro Castile’s girlfriend ) claims he was reaching for his license when a police officer shot and killed him in Minnesota last week. But according to a new video (seen below), the credibility of the girlfriend must be questioned.

Look for the Child in the backseat!

  I guess when people protest, automatically it gives them reason to loot,rob,steal? Dallas 7-Eleven Store Looted By Black Lives Matter Protesters Who Taunted Cops After Massacre of Police Officers

What is wrong with our Society? What on earth has happened to  respect, Democracy, Freedom,or common sense? Black Lives Matter Has Become a Cancer That Is Metastasizing

Here are a few headlines making news today:

Osama bin Laden’s son, Hamza, vows revenge against U.S. for killing his father

New Black Panthers Seek ‘Own Government’

Iran: We have 100,000 missiles in Lebanon ready to hit Israel

Survey: Majority Of Americans Disagree With FBI's Clinton Decision

David Cameron to resign by Wednesday, Theresa May to be next British prime minister


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