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Guru_Says 062716

The EU has fallen! ( an new upcoming Hollywood blockbuster)

Since the Brexit referendum and the announcements that Britain will seceded from the EU , we have seen ripples of worry throughout the World financial institutes... Those with the ability ran for cover in the Yen or American Dollar or Gold.....those who were not as liquid lost Billions as NASDAQ and DOW JONES markets collapsed. Those who could least afford it will pay for the politically calculated collapse forced upon an unwilling society.

40 some years ago, when the United Kingdom entered into a " Trade" agreement discussions and 25 years since the UK jumped into EU with both feet....In Europe it was hailed as a gigantic win for all concerned....Once unleashed it wasn't long before a unified passport was implemented...the EU began to expand to unify migration issues, then common law, then financial markets, then nation building and unified Military and finally Nation financial control.....

Ironically the #Brexit has strengthened Trumps take on World economies while providing Obama with a stronger Dollar which improves trade values and bank fees.

During this EU growth, Many issues which were pushed 30 years ahead when the EU formed, now come to fruition... 

  • A unified stand alone without competition currency,
  • A unified defense force governed from a central location in Brussels. 
  • A liberal migration policy under an EU passport & driving license system. 
  • A fully functioning European Parliament with full enforcement of taxation and law setting powers.
  • A European healthcare system.

While this was all forming, so was the U.N.

The League of Nations which formed in January 1920 (as a result of the Paris Peace Conference that ended the First World War.) is directly responsible for the spawned United Nations.

The original mandate was noble as it continued the basic premise that: the League of Nations was designed to enforce the Treaty of Versailles and the other peace agreements that concluded World War I. It was intended to replace secret deals and war, as means for settling international disputes, with open diplomacy and peaceful mediation.

In 1945 after a "World" conference in San Francisco the United Nations was declared with

193 Member Countries. 

Since 1945 the once noble intention has morphed into a global theifdom. an incredibly corrupt and inefficient bureaucracy rife with fraud,theft,embezzlement,money laundering, spying,assassination,and Nation building to mention a few.

The U.N. have become absolutely UN-necessary!


With Clinton at helm, State Dept. got 'prestigious' award for record-keeping

 I thought this link was to a spoof site..but after reading I saw Clinton wrapped all over it. Can you imagine? Clinton getting an award for great record keeping? A Woman who can't even keep track of her household or Husband..who "lost" over 30,000 emails...who "Lost" FBI files when her Husband was President ony to find them months after Fosters death...sitting in plain site in the White House living quarters.

Those who have watched the Political maneuverings of a number of career Politicians over the last 30 is clear they are selling their Political souls for kick backs,bribes, hiding their wealth behind foundations and paper domino corporations.

The Clinton's are well known for silencing problems, from Arkansas to the White House and now the U.N. 

 UN Official found dead was set to testify against Hillary Clinton same day. “BARBELL FELL ON HIS NECK”

Scalia died from a Heart Attack, yet a needle mark was detected on the right side of his neck......Vince Foster death was declared suicide yet the handgun was on the wrong side of his body and NO gunshot residue on his hands..... 

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