Rantings from the edge.............
Each day I surf my favorite news sites, some well known, others obscure.
As I do, I detect standard worded stories which seem to be regurgitated in a planned program to muddy the Social & Political waters.

I am sure the Democrats are having shredding parties in many DNC held offices throughout the Federal Government and Embassies around the World.Come January 21st 2017, with a new administration in power, all of Clinton's & Obama's skeletons shall be laid bare for the GOP to pick at.
Closer to home, I hear that Jane Fonda is visiting Alberta to support Liberal tree hugging groups as they continue to attempt to further verbally destroy Alberta's largest export.....OIL!
For those who are old enough to remember Fonda, who has had success in B rated Movies in the 70's & 80's married to CNN founder Ted Turner until he kicked her to the curb.
Fonda who disrespected Vets and Soldiers serving and those who had fallen during the Vietnam war actually went to Vietnam and visited American POW's - while cozying up to the enemy and handing off to Vietnam Commanders , notes secretly palmed into Fonda's hand when shaking hands with American POW's.

Fonda who will no doubt have a Private Jet deliver her and her entourage to Alberta, a gas guzzling SUV to the Oil Sands and a Gas guzzling Helicopter ride to view her predetermined condemnation. I am sure her PR firm has arranged a meeting with First Nation elders for photo ops.
The Carbon footprint that Hollywood hacks produce in order to attempt to degrade Alberta's Oil Sands and its export is pathetic.Especially when you understand one of the main funders of anti Oil sand propaganda is the Tide Foundation & the Kennedy's.
I find it very Interesting how Vehicle manufacturers are suddenly making news by announcing they will expand in the U.S.A. rather than Mexico. The Trump train continues to rebuild America even before officially taking over the White House. Obama continues to sign executive orders in the dead of night, knowing they will all be repealed when Trump takes office. Some orders although repealed will already have transpired, such as the transfer of dangerous Gitmo inmates to Egypt and freedom.
Clinton's Emails continue to produce disturbing issues about Cyber Security and foreign hackers. I watch in amazement how the DNC and the current President in conjunction with Main Stream Media have twisted the Clinton & DNC EMail breach into a Russian Cyber attack, spending Millions of dollars in brain time attempting to justify their flimsy excuse to protect Obama & Clinton's legacies. Using the American Intelligence Service in a Political battle to bury the truth.

Hillary Clinton & the Clinton Foundation have allegedly committed heinous financial crimes with pay for play access to the Secretary of State's ear and pen strokes. Turning the position over to John Kerry who continued the practice and attempted to hide his nefarious earnings in his Daughter's business accounts.
In fairness Kerry's office claims that Dr. Vanessa Kerry’s father, Secretary of State John Kerry, has had no role or influence in the decision making for the Global Health Service Partnership either in the Senate or at the State Department.
As President Elect Trump takes the reigns of power, all the previous sinister Actors are stepping up their attempt to chip away American superiority throughout the World. The regular players are pushing the envelope.North Korea says it will launch a nuke ‘anytime and anywhere… the supreme headquarters’ wants,
Iran are also flexing their muscle in the Middle East as they continue to harass American Naval forces in the Persian Gulf.
President Elect Trump has ordered that the Navy prepare for a Fleet buildup when he becomes President on January 20th 2017 - In fact Trump has publically called for a full Military buildup to regain the ability to react to any issue around the World which could affect American interests.
I for one, shall be glued to my TV on January 20th - I wish to experience HISTORY!
A Millionaire who paid for most of his campaign himself,and refuses to take a salary while President is EXACTLY what small business needs. Trump is EXACTLY what is required to slap some sense into the financial markets. Trump is the EXACT person to re-negotiate poor Trade and Military support deals..certainly not the DNC "old boys & Girls club" of tired old Political hacks who have lost complete touch with voters!
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Wildrose Leader Brian Jean says Fonda joins a list of celebrities who fly into his hometown for a day or two and complain about the energy industry. He calls her a hypocrite who needs to look closer to Hollywood if she wants to protest.
ReplyDelete“Right in the middle of California they have one of the dirtiest crude oils on the planet and yet they seem to ignore that and protesting that just doesn’t seem to exist. I’m very concerned about the opinions of out of touch American celebrities who spread their mis-truths.”