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Boots on the Ground- PLEASE PASS ON-021417

Greetings my fellow Politicanauts!

It has been sometime since sending out a Boots on the Ground through the SPIII notification system.

 I am inundated with links to the Real reason Flynn was removed from his post, sent from loyal DNC and GOP members. Both sides have a story and neither side is without sin. The unfortunate and more concerning issue is as President Trump has stated is...

Where are the leaks,who are the leaks, and how much damage have they caused the past administration or Country.

I read recently that Obama is about to launch a 30,000 volunteer group to oppose Trump at every step of the way. Some even speaking of impeachment already. These voices are not working for the people of the United States. They have no interest in " The common good " and are willing to defy ANY LAW in order to reign supreme and have their hands in the tax payers coffers.

Smelling blood in the water, the bottom feeders of Politics again become excited....

Schumer Enters Flynn Spotlight, Leak Is CIA Attack Of Trump Administration To Disrupt Foreign Policy

 Chairman: House intel panel won’t investigate Flynn, will probe leaks

Oprah Gives Senators Video of Puzder Abuse Allegations

Team Clinton taunts Michael Flynn and his son after resignation

The Flynn issue will resonate for months, hopefully business can get done around it....The end result will no doubt be as murky as the Benghazi incident - Email-gate - Iran deal - I believe Trump will force the maggots out of rotting flesh sooner or later. 

Since Trump announced his run for President, I took it upon myself to read and watch whatever was available about Donald John Trump and his family, including his books 

Art of the Deal -  

Trump 101

Time to get Tough

Think Big! 

He is the real deal! 

A little more bombastic than I would like, not as Polished as the professional Politicians, and dependent greatly on the information supplied to him or gathered from private sources. But he is real. 

Trump has forgone his annual salary, spent Millions justifying his platform, and has done more in the Month he has been President than most had done in the first 120 days- yes he has made some mis-steps, but remember Politics is not his chosen field of expertise...He never claimed to be a Professional Politician

He did promise to getting companies to return to the U.S. and increase jobs ...reducing costs of military Jets and having major Aerospace to take a smaller slice is EXACTLY what is required.

The mess Obama left behind and the opposition operatives planted in key positions will require hard intelligence work to correct the mistakes.Requiring a focused administration.Until this task is completed, the United States of America are vulnerable. The operatives sprinkled throughout the Federal system who report to Obama or his minions will continue to try and prevent Trump from gaining traction. Simply because they lost and Obama's actions are proving to be failures.

The DNC will do their utmost to disrupt that focus and cause trouble at every turn. Not because of what Trump wishes to do, but to save the actions of the previous administration in order to advance the 21st Century final Political solution.

The DNC and GOP old Political guard are at the end of their lifespan and have become exceedingly more dangerous as they begin to loose their mental faculties. They hold a lifetime of anger and hate against their Political enemies and are incapable of separating it from the citizenry they claim to represent.

Leakers Are ‘People Searching for Power’

House Freedom Caucus chair says rogue officials are 'trying to undermine' Trump

by Kathryn Blackhurst | Updated 14 Feb 2017 at 1:01 PM

FBI Forced To hand Over Clinton Emails…Hillary’s Time Is Up!

Will we ever find out what really happened with Benghazi? Or if Clinton did in fact use pay to play? Or IS Email-gate contained? and what of those damn Russians!

Russia Deploys Missile, Violating Treaty and Challenging Trump



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