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Why be Politically Correct 032716

The following information has been gathered from reliable sources and open internet access to media related events or stories. If you wish to contribute to the information stream, please contact by Email:

Greetings & Salutations.....

The last weekend in March, Easter for Christians....

A very important and reflective time for Christians...The Crucifixion of the Messiah.....and resurrection.

As thoughts about the way of the Messiah , the peace offered,and the mistakes of mankind - the Sins we commit and are forgiven for. I find myself  watching the fall out from the horrific attack in Belgium by ISIS cells and continued threats of similar actions in North America I can't help looking at the Presidential Candidates more closely.

I find myself less concerned about the North American economy and more concerned about Homeland Security. Yet without a healthy economy,Society & homeland security throughout North America cannot financially function.

Trumps strength is the economy, more importantly business and I believe him when he discusses bad deals made by the Obama/Clinton administration. I lean ion favor of his desire to strengthen the Judaeo-Christian acceptance and resistance to Islamic religious influence.

Trump opponents have stayed away from debating his solutions. The Main stream media have guided the unwashed into an information stream controlled by Political parties who are the manikins for financial thief-doms some may call the Illuminati.

News followers have been compartmentalized to only hear or see images that the Main Stream Media choose to release. Controlled by Politicians and financial gods..voters are manipulated by Political parties to believe the untruths,to disguise weakness and elevate false prophets. 

Cruz is now banging the drum of Radical Muslims....Build the wall...Evil Obama....taking these strengths away from Trump....Trump needs to pivot to the economy....draw Cruz back to domestic issues and Cruz will collapse.

Not even hard core Democrats believe that Bernie will beat Clinton in a State by State race....Clinton's super delegates make the math impossible. , however what if she is indicted prior to the convention....what if she is taken out of the race because of health...or nefarious reasons...What would a Trump / Sanders race look like?

At SPIII we hope to continue bringing you information from all over the globe,and all sources available.

Question of the week : Which Candidate would look like a genius if an ISIS style of attack happened in North America.....

would you put money on that bet?

In Donald Trump’s Worldview, America Comes First, and Everybody Else Pays

 Scores killed in explosion near family park in Lahore

Riot police fire water cannon at far-right protesters at Brussels terror memorial


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