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Why be Politically correct 06/19/2016

The following information is harvested from a number of sources listed on our website. If you wish to communicate with us, Please feel free to Email below. All information is gathered from open source information and personal opinions. If you wish YOUR opinion read or heard, contact us!

Greetings my fellow Politicanauts!

Dateline: June 19th 2016
Distribution : OPEN

As many of our readers know I am an avid news hound and as our Facebook page  attests we believe in following stories to their source.

Unfortunately in doing so, it saddens me to realize that much of what is pushed down our throats is inaccurate and deceitful to the extreme. All political parties throughout the world use the same twisted tactics and are responsible for their twist of truth. The lazy Main stream media who no longer seek truth or pay qualified journalists to find the truth but financially survive on tag lines and commercial financial gratification . Old stories which continue to churn and regurgitate as new. Changing headlines to the same news story....Postings on Facebook and elsewhere are a prime example.

"Certain postings" bearing such titles as BREAKING:or CLINTON ARRESTED are designed for the reader to click the link to sites that live off reader hit numbers. If they can drag the story on long enough to get a few ad timings, they make more.

It usually doesn't take long to realize the information is designed only to get hits on a site.
I have been quoted as calling them " Rating Whores" and each day I view and read news and facebook postings it enforces my belief.

                                            " The pen is mightier than the sword..."

Yet another massacre of innocent souls in Orlando. The key evidence shows it was methodically planned and executed. There is talk of Family collusion, and coordinated planning. The CIA finally admits they cannot guarantee with any certainty that ISIS has not already infiltrated the North American continent. Homeland Security are dancing to the tune of Obama and attempting to blame guns for Orlando while the World sees it as Radical Islam , and the twisted thinking of a bastardized religion.

Donald Trump has called for a moratorium on Visa's or refugee status from Middle East Countries... the Press & Democrats go nuts! Yet in 1980 then President Carter did exactly that:
                              “The expulsion of Iranian diplomats and military trainees from the United States was one element of the four-part program announced by Carter for applying pressure on Iran. The other parts of the program included new trade sanctions against Iran, a freeze of all Iranian government assets in the United States, tighter restrictions on visa for Iranians desiring to come to the United States, and revocation of visas for Iranian who had already enter the country…. 
Under Carter’s new visa program, no Iranian was allowed to enter the United States except in the cases of major medical emergencies or political asylum. Because of Carter’s order, U.S. airlines in London began refusing to allow Iranians to board planes bound for the United States. The new visa program was partly a response to alleged fear of Iranian terrorists entering the United States.”
However according to Liberals & Democrats and especially Obama, Donald Trumps idea is lunacy and not legal...yet Presidential Proclamations 2525, 2526, and 2527 to authorize the United States to detain allegedly potentially dangerous enemy aliens has never been rescinded since FDR created them! 
The FBI and other law enforcement agencies arrested thousands of suspected enemy aliens, mostly individuals of German, Italian, or Japanese ancestry, living throughout the United States.

Report: IRS Spent $11 Million On Guns, Ammo In The Past 10 Years

(Daily Caller) – The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) seems to be building an army.
The IRS spent nearly $11 million on guns, ammunition and “military-style equipment” between 2006 and 2014, according to a new report. IRS investment in heavy firearms and tactical gear is a new trend for the agency, but it follows a pattern of militarization repeated throughout the executive branch of the government.

ATTRACTIVE WOMEN “HARMFUL” TO LONDONERS – Mayor Enacts Bans in Public Places

Trains, subways, trams and buses have now been declared “safe spaces” by London Mayor Sadiq Khan. Safe from what you might ask? Brace yourselves for it:  

Safe from two-dimensional advertisements – PICTURES of attractive women who stare down at them from the interior walls of subways, buses, trams and trains!

DHS Secretary: Right-Wingers Pose Same Threat As Islamic Jihadists

This is absurd. But this is the Obama administration policy. And it means that money and time will be wasted watching “right-wingers” instead of trying to stop Islamic jihadists. That means that more people will die.

He Thought His 13 Year Old Neighbor Was Cute So He Did This To Her For Years! Her Parents NEVER Knew!

When little Madison Reed was only thirteen years old, something hideous began taking place in her life that she would not find out about for another five years.

Madison’s neighbor, creepy middle aged Bradley McCollum, thought little miss Reed was just so darn irresistible that he decided to sneak into her family’s home and hide cameras in her bedroom so he could watch her anytime he wanted, which he did, for the next four years!

Germany ‘shocked’ by ‘monstrous’ Muslim assaults on 80 women in Cologne train station

Dozens of Muslims sexually attacked 80 young women in Cologne train station while bragging, “I had fingers in every orifice”

Former Iraqi MP Admission: Thousands of US Mosques are Being Used by ISIS

While politically correct politicians in both parties continue to weigh the appropriateness of raiding mosques that could have links to ISIS, many within the Muslim community are suggesting that they are too late. Mosques affiliated with ISIS already exist within the United States, and they’re preparing people to join in an uprising against the United States.
This revelation comes from a man who has lots of experience and knowledge of the matter. As a Former Iraqi MP, Ayad Jamal Al-Din has seen his home country torn to shreds by ISIS, and he’s warning that the US could be next.
If true, not only does this show our government’s total ineptitude when it comes to locating and dismantling home-bred terrorist organizations, but it shows just how unwilling they are to stop it.

Arkansas: Married Muslim couple who made TERRORISTIC DEATH THREATS taken into custody for FBI questioning - See more at:

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